Character Voice Over

Character Voice Over

Character voice overs are probably the most fun aspect in the voice over industry. It’s also the most difficult to perform and the one of most competitive areas. Performing character voice overs is a specialty because it takes a rare skill to pass off convincingly as a unique, original character. The process of creating a character voice itself is still a bit of a mystery for most because it’s also a very personal creative process on the part of the voice actor.

For those looking for guidance, here are tips to help you get started in doing character voice overs.

Be honest to yourself. Being a voice over actor doesn’t mean you can do all kinds of voices. Accept that you have limitations and that you can do some types of character voices better than others. Focus more on doing those voices that you can make unique and true to themselves.

Find your motivation. Most popular character voices today started out as an inspiration developed by the voice actor based on a person he knows or has met in real life. There’s a character waiting to be discovered and explored everywhere you look. It’s up to you to find inspiration in the people around you and use it creatively.

Build a character reference. Most producers and animators provide a voice over actor with a character profile. The profile includes details about the character as well as images acting as visuals that can help in creating a matching voice. Make sure you always have a character reference to consult.

Ask for input. Before creating the voice of your character, ask the client first how he envisions the character to sound like. Develop different versions of the voice of your character based on the client’s vision, character references, images, and your own creative input. From among the variations you created, allow the client to choose a voice that they believe suits the character perfectly.  

Explore different types of media. Voice over acting is a very versatile talent because it fits into many types of media and entertainment outlets. You can try tapping into not just commercials and cartoons but also animated feature films, student films, theatrical productions, flash presentations, radio dramas, comedy routines, or even video games, robotics, and toy designs. If you don’t limit yourself to just one type of media, you can explore many opportunities.

Own your character voice. They key to being an outstanding voice over actor is being able to sound as your character, and not as you doing a character. Practice the voice you created and work with it every day. Use that voice when talking to your family, friends, and people you meet on a daily basis. The more convinced you are that you own that voice, the more convinced your audience will be.

Voice actors have the rare gift of bringing unique, original, and memorable characters to life. They have one of the most fun jobs ever, but at the same time, it takes great skill and hard work to succeed at what they do

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