How and Why Real Testimonials Can Be Included into Your Messages On Hold Recordings

How and Why Real Testimonials Can Be Included into Your Messages On Hold Recordings

You can use on hold messages to convey information to what’s essentially your captive audience. You can do better than just piping in music as your caller waits for someone from your company to answer. For instance, you can announce a promo and reveal new products and services. But there’s always more and new ways to use this marketing channel to promote your business. You can feature real testimonials within your messages on hold recordings.

Why Feature Testimonials?

Testimonials are a time-proven way of boosting the authenticity and reputation of your business. That’s why they’re often an integral element of ads and website copy. But now you should also consider using real testimonials for your on hold recorded messages.

Why do this? Here are some good reasons:

  • Testimonials are powerful weapons to boost the reputation of your company. With it, you’re not just the only one saying good things about your business, but instead it’s the people who have tried your products or services. As a result, they’re deemed more trustworthy.
  • When your callers hear the words of the testimonials, it feels more real. Words may seem easier to fake, but the extra effort at offering audio recordings may indicate that the testimonial is more authentic.

What lends to the authenticity of the testimonials is that the callers can hear the tone and inflection of the voices. The heartfelt sincerity in the testimonial is much more apparent, and the ALL-CAPS and the use of exclamation points in text don’t compare.

  • These kinds of on hold messages are also not common, which means you’ll stand out from your competitors. It’s also implies that you’re not just different—your business is better as well.

All these reasons indicate that testimonials should be part of your on hold messages arsenal.

How Can You Feature Testimonials for Your On Hold Messages?

There are several ways you can do this:

  • You can have a system where callers can leave recorded messages. You can encourage them to leave comments about how good your products and services are by way of a prize or future discount. They can then leave their name and say things about your business using their own words and their own voices.
  • Don’t forget to inform them that you may use these recordings for your own advertising. Most business executives don’t mind, because the testimonial includes their name and company, so you’re also promoting their business.
  • You can have a section on your website where customers can leave comments and reviews. These sections may also appear on the newsletters you send out in your email marketing.
  • When you have written testimonials, commission professional voice actors to record the words for your on hold recordings. Again, the people who have submitted these testimonials should first give their permission.
  • When meeting happy customers in person, simply ask for their testimonial and record it straight into your smart phone using the inbuilt voice recorder. Then email it to your on hold company for mixing and loading directly into your on hold recording.

It doesn’t matter what business you’re in—testimonials are fantastic for business. They offer a more objective method of presenting your business in a positive light, and this time your callers can hear voices of real people telling others what kind of company you have.

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