Why Direct Marketing Is Making a Comeback

Why Direct Marketing Is Making a Comeback

Marketing underwent a drastic paradigm shift ever since the Internet stopped being a “strange new phenomenon” and became a medium that was taken for granted. At one point, direct marketing—which involved sending actual letters and catalogues through snail mail, telemarketing, and even face to face meetings—were considered passé and ineffective. Online marketing methods through email and social media became the new darlings of modern marketing.

But since 2011, it slowly became clear that reports of the death of direct marketing have been exaggerated. In fact, by 2013 the trend has become too noticeable. Direct marketing is making a comeback.

But why is it making a comeback? How can this traditional marketing method make sense in a world where email is killing snail mail and Internet use has spread through mobile devices?

Here are some of the reasons:

  1. It is effective. Regardless of whether or not direct marketing makes sense, studies show that it still really works. In fact, it can even be more effective than online marketing. In one recent survey involving B2C companies, it was found that 34% of these companies found direct mail as the best way to acquire new customers in terms of ROI. Only 25% picked email. It was the same for customer retention, with 37% for direct mail and 31% for email.
  2. It can reach potential customers. Consider email marketing as an example. Today, too many people receive too many emails. And that means they use filters and blockers to stop marketing emails from ever reaching their attention. Regardless of how many and how often you send your emails, they don’t get seen by your target customers. And if they’re not seen, then you’ve just wasted your money and effort. But customers can’t really block direct marketing methods. They will see your envelope when you send them traditional mail. They’ll answer their phone when you call and they’ll open the door when you ring the doorbell (within reason of course!).
  3. Direct marketing methods are now considered unique. Since email and other online marketing methods have become the de facto way of engaging customers, direct marketing methods have become “unusual”. Mailboxes are no longer stuffed with junk mail so your catalogs and brochures are different enough that recipients may become intrigued by them. It’s the same principle for a telephone call and a personal visit or face to face meeting—they’re unusual, and that means intriguing.
  4. Some people still yearn for traditional methods. Not everyone is enamored by digital technology. Some people may cite the rising sales of ebooks, but you can’t deny that sales of printed books still have a place because of customer demand.  It’s the same thing for direct marketing methods. Some people still like the feel of actual paper when they get brochures and catalogues. They may like talking to an actual person over the phone. They may prefer meeting an actual person and building that lasting relationship and trust experience.
  5. Direct mail can be customised and measured. What’s more, modern digital strategies may be used to make direct mail marketing methods more unique and personal with hooks, and catch phrases to entice and measure an online response rate.. It can feel like getting a real letter from a friend, and that’s what modern marketing is all about.

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